Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Problems with contrast.

Four hours with the model and then another hour filling in a dark background. I'm noticing more and more the drying shift of acrylic to darker colours. This is leading to less tonal range and very few highlights. Need to be careful though as the titanium white is not the answer. Also the right hand and knee look plain wrong (seem to have stretched that area).


Sandra Heading said...

I like the chomra much more here in this .... This is way better my good man ... And yes I think what happens is we tend to want to not think about hands and feet enough when drawing or painting for that matter ... But they are not as hard as we like to think they are it's just a reletive breakdown of shapes that is the key here ... Nice work Nathan ...

Descartes said...

Thanks Sandra. I tried to just model the shapes with her hands but couldn't get the knuckles right.